- 1st place: AOC Monitor & the Scholomance Academy University Cup Trophy
- 2nd place: JBL Headset
- All players placed 4th and higher received a Mega Bundle
- 5-8th place: Regular Bundle
- All players placed 16th and higher received the ‘Power Core’ card back
All participants received the ‘Dalaran Flame’ card back
1st: Ulquiorra (UNSW)
2nd: GiantHammer (Monash)
3rd: Toxicantship (UniSA)
4th: Tempest2000 (UQ)
5th: Pend (USC)
5th: Yazboole (UoN)
7th: NDPisPNash (Curtin)
7th: pLaTiNuM (UTS)
9th: Jhealzz (SUT)
9th: sammybelly (QUT)
9th: Blackthorn (SCU)
9th: ItsMifsud (MQ)
13th: kangamoony (UWA)
13th: BLANCK (UC)
13th: TheKiing (UOM)
13th: Skalerz (Waikato)
Proudly presented by