AO Minecraft Results
2024 AO Block Buster Tennis Challenge
Years 4-6: Focus on Innovation
National Winners
State Winners
All Participants
Australian Christian College Darling Downs - Eco-Friendly
Australian Christian College Darling Downs - Mario Bros
Australian Christian College Darling Downs - Team Creepers
Australian Christian College Darling Downs - The Blinks
Australian Christian College Darling Downs - The ChAmps
Bonnyrigg Heights Public School - Bonnyrigg Heights Minecraft Team
Camberwell South Primary School - Composure
Camberwell South Primary School - Da Girls
Camberwell South Primary School - Dome of Doom
Camberwell South Primary School - FROJ
Camberwell South Primary School - M-I-D Girlies
Camberwell South Primary School - Pink Fluffy Unicorns
Camberwell South Primary School - Shrooms Squad
Camberwell South Primary School - The Banana Builders
Camberwell South Primary School - The Champs
Camberwell South Primary School - The Chimps
Camberwell South Primary School - The Docs
Camberwell South Primary School - The Mighty Ducks
Camberwell South Primary School - The Rackets
Camberwell South Primary School - The Sigma Dudes
Camberwell South Primary School - The Terrible 2
Camberwell South Primary School - The Three Pink Minions
Camberwell South Primary School - Wordle
Camberwell South Primary School - yo chi
Coleraine Primary School - Coleraine Primary Renegades
Daisy Hill State School - MCCBODI
Daisy Hill State School - MCCCL
Daisy Hill State School - MCCMGLH
Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School - Minecraft Pros
Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School - The Block Busters
Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School - The Mega Builders
Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School - The Minecrafters
Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School - The Pixelated Pioneers
Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School - The Super Makers
Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School - The Twinz
Jubilee Primary Education - jubilee order of the pig
Jubilee Primary Education - Jubilee Players
Jubilee Primary Education - SBC Club
Kangaroo Valley PS - Champion Tennis
Kangaroo Valley PS - Deuce DEMonds
Kangaroo Valley PS - Net Ninjas
Kangaroo Valley PS - Team Not Noobs
Kangaroo Valley PS - The Grand Slammers
Kangaroo Valley PS - Topspin Taipans
Manangatang P-12 College - Manang Boys
Manangatang P-12 College - Tennis Girls
Manangatang P-12 College - The Aussies
Mandurah Baptist College Primary - Team Vortex
Mandurah Baptist College Primary - The builders
Mandurah Baptist College Primary - the Goated People VJNP
Mandurah Baptist College Primary - The Minecrafters
Mandurah Baptist College Primary - The Seaks
Mirripoa Primary School - 1999
Mirripoa Primary School - AO GIRLS
Mirripoa Primary School - Block Bros
Mirripoa Primary School - Building Brothers
Mirripoa Primary School - Courtside Divas
Mirripoa Primary School - natural metaopsi
Mirripoa Primary School - Tennis balls
Mirripoa Primary School - The Bootleg Beatles
Mirripoa Primary School - The Tennis Destroyers
Mirripoa Primary School - YELLS
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School - E
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School - F
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School - G
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School - i
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School - J
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School - K
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School - L
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School - Team A
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School - Team B
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School - Team C
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School - Team H
Mount Cotton State School - Block Frogs
Mount Cotton State School - Mount Cotton Makers
Mount Cotton State School - The De Blaises
Newmarket State School - Gamer Bros
Newmarket State School - Gamer Girls
Newmarket State School - Madcrafters
Newmarket State School - Sigma United
Orchard Park Primary School - Girly Pop
Orchard Park Primary School - Sapphire Scorpions
Our Lady of Good Counsel - OLGC1
Our Lady of Good Counsel - OLGC2
Our Lady of Good Counsel - OLGC3
Oxley Park Public School - Lightning Lettuce
Oxley Park Public School - LNH
Oxley Park Public School - MJ
Oxley Park Public School - Silly Sausages
Oxley Park Public School - SKIBIDI SIGMAS
Oxley Park Public School - TEAM 4
Oxley Park Public School - Tennis Girls
Oxley Park Public School - The Minecraft Builders
Oxley Park Public School - THE VICTORS
Oxley Park Public School - TRIPLE J AND THE B
Picnic Point Public School - FAULT
Picnic Point Public School - Isaiah
Picnic Point Public School - Redstones
Picnic Point Public School - Tarn
Rangebank Primary School - Inclusive access for all
Rangebank Primary School - RASA
Rangeview Primary School - Minecraft Maniacs
Rangeview Primary School - Team Blockhead
Rangeview Primary School - The Rangeview HOGZ
Serpell Primary - Serpell eSports
St Gabriel's Primary School - Archer & Zane are da GOATS
St Gabriel's Primary School - BHAN
St Gabriel's Primary School - Brld
St Gabriel's Primary School - Da Boyz
St Gabriel's Primary School - DACJ
St Gabriel's Primary School - ESE girls
St Gabriel's Primary School - Hudknox
St Gabriel's Primary School - little pineapples
St Gabriel's Primary School - MINECRAFT PROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
St Gabriel's Primary School - Minecraftes
St Gabriel's Primary School - Sigmas
St Gabriel's Primary School - Tennis Girlys
St Gabriel's Primary School - The baddies
St Gabriel's Primary School - The Goats
St Gabriel's Primary School - The last two
St Gabriel's Primary School - Zoe Maleaha
St Michael's College Primary - Dynamic Duo
St Michael's College Primary - The Ball Boys
St.Paul's Kealba Catholic Primary School - Joe Cola
St.Paul's Kealba Catholic Primary School - Viper
Stevensville Primary School - Stevensville Group 1 (DJAS)
Stevensville Primary School - Stevensville PS Group 2 (The Tennis Boys)
Stevensville Primary School - Stevensville PS Group 3 (The Chinchillas)
Stevensville Primary School - Stevensville PS Group 4 (Hamsters)
The Hills Grammar School - IOA
The Hills Grammar School - Native
The Hills Grammar School - Team Messi
The Hills Grammar School - The Breathe of the Deep
The Hills Grammar School - The Brilliant Block Builders Squad
The Hills Grammar School - The Tennis Masters
The Knox School - Ninjas
The Knox School - PAAH
The Knox School - The Falcon Kingdom
Toongabbie East Public School - Creeper Crew
Toongabbie East Public School - Just Kidding
Tulliallan Primary School - Team Tulliallan
Wanniassa Hills Primary School - Ashton Murray, Danilo Radulovich, Eli Pommer, Ollie King
Wanniassa Hills Primary School - GEMV
Wanniassa Hills Primary School - Kirby crafters
Wanniassa Hills Primary School - mindcraftAJE
Wanniassa Hills Primary School - Minecrafting Minecrafters
Wanniassa Hills Primary School - the backstage VIPs
Wanniassa Hills Primary School - The Block builders
Wanniassa Hills Primary School - The Craftaneers
Wanniassa Hills Primary School - The Pink Panthers
Wanniassa Hills Primary School - The Sniffers
West Pymble Public School - AHLO
West Pymble Public School - AO Crafters
West Pymble Public School - APT
West Pymble Public School - Bob's Burgers
West Pymble Public School - EmerGrace
West Pymble Public School - GIJT
West Pymble Public School - HNTS
West Pymble Public School - Macy&Bryn
West Pymble Public School - OliverEdZacMacklyn
West Pymble Public School - Peppa Pig
West Pymble Public School - Sugar cubes
West Pymble Public School - The Prepsters
Westbourne Grammar School - Charlie, Harry, Kanya, Navya
Westbourne Grammar School - Eco Builders
Westbourne Grammar School - Estrellas
Westbourne Grammar School - Gaming Group
Westbourne Grammar School - The Winners
Westbourne Grammar School - Westbourne Winners
Whitfield State School - Champs
Whitfield State School - Goofy Goobers
Whitfield State School - Team Caffeine
Whitfield State School - The Crafters
Years 7-9: Expand the Vision
National Winners
State Winners
All Participants
Australian Christian College Southlands - ACC Turtles
Bayview College - S.S.M.D
Bayview College - The Architects
Brauer Secondary College - Minecrafters from BC
Canterbury College - CC Gamers
Centenary State High School - Centenary Builders
Comet Bay College - Comet8
Concord High School - Blake and Isaac
Concord High School - Chakoruairandomaiku
Concord High School - Eric and Erdem
Concord High School - Pollinate Team
Concord High School - S.A.D
Concord High School - The unamed team
Concord High School - We, are steve
East Hills Boys High School - ATC EHBHS
East Hills Boys High School - MGS EHBHS
East Hills Boys High School - Team Orian
East Hills Boys High School - Team x
East Hills Boys High School - The east hills boys AO comp squad
Elizabeth Macarthur High School - The Lizzy Macaronis
Emmanuel Catholic College - Billionaire Builders
Greensborough College - Greensy Tennis Team
Iona Presentation College - The Barbies
James Fallon High School - Team 1
Keebra Park State High School - Keebra Park
Kingsley College - Minecraft Pro Builders
Lourdes Hill College - Bibble Cult builders
Maryborough State High School - Prehistoric Players
Mount Clear College - The Fellowship
Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta - NetCrafters
Parade College - The Parade Crew
Penguin District School - LeeRyder
Rosebank College - Rosebank
St Catherine's Catholic College - Monkey Builders
St Catherine's Catholic College - Traigh and Lincoln
St Dominics College - Aqua 7
St Dominics College - Wurundjeri
St Patrick's College - Team GRST
St. George's Anglican Grammar School - The Students on Level 2
The Gap State High School - Fleybs
The Hills Christian Community School - Minecraft Rock Star
The Knox School - The Craft Queens
Thomas More College - Year 7 TMC
Victoria Point State High School - Jake and Isabella
Victoria Point State High School - VPSHS esports
Westbourne Grammar School - Ace Builders
Westbourne Grammar School - Da People
Westbourne Grammar School - PLRN
Westbourne Grammar School - Team 24
Yeppoon State High School - Minecraft Nerdz
Yeppoon State High School - Sigma Sharks
Years 10-11: The Complete Transformation
National Winners
State Winners
All Participants
Bentley Park College - Bentley Blocksmiths
Bentley Park College - Bentley Park Miners
Bentley Park College - BPC Creeper Crushers
Bentley Park College - BPC Diamond Defenders
Bentley Park College - BPC Edge Lords
Comet Bay College - Comet Bay Krill
Marcellin College Randwick - ABB
Marcellin College Randwick - AOD Team.
Marcellin College Randwick - Australian Openeers
Marcellin College Randwick - Barty Party
Marcellin College Randwick - Binary Brothers
Marcellin College Randwick - Block Busters
Marcellin College Randwick - blockheads
Marcellin College Randwick - Building Boys
Marcellin College Randwick - Burger Feast AC
Marcellin College Randwick - Court Constructors
Marcellin College Randwick - Dark Chocolate
Marcellin College Randwick - Down under diggers
Marcellin College Randwick - henchmen
Marcellin College Randwick - JACM Construction
Marcellin College Randwick - JJAM
Marcellin College Randwick - K.B.J
Marcellin College Randwick - Minecraft Mongrals
Marcellin College Randwick - Miners of Minecraft
Marcellin College Randwick - PapaDarius
Marcellin College Randwick - Reject Squad
Marcellin College Randwick - Rush Hour
Marcellin College Randwick - Skib
Marcellin College Randwick - SuperCuts
Marcellin College Randwick - team rocket
Marcellin College Randwick - Tennis thing
Marcellin College Randwick - The Astra Project
Marcellin College Randwick - The Christmas Islanders
Marcellin College Randwick - The Playful Penguins YT
Marcellin College Randwick - the pugs, dawgs and retrievers
Marcellin College Randwick - The Stick
Marcellin College Randwick - Unathletic Madrid
Marcellin College Randwick - WNP
National Winners
All Participants
Years 4-6 - Sanjeev S
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Whether you are wanting to run an esports event, are a teacher wanting more information of how to get your school involved or a parent wanting to learn more, we are here to help you in your Esports journey
For general enquiries, simply write to us at [email protected] and one of team will be in touch
For Primary, High School and Home-Schooling Esports, you can contact us at: [email protected]